The music began with Modern Robot, which is an improv duo of Ben Singer on keyboards and Kyle Poehling on drums. The band plays shows to a chosen film from public domain (according to their website, "These are often ephemeral films: films created for sales reps, instructional films, industry films, and the like"). They record these one-of-a-kind improvisations, then re-marry their live audio with the film and post it to their website. Yes, very unique indeed.
Next, Electric Soul Pandemic (ESP), a local Greensboro rock, funk group, took to the stage with a high-energy set. ESP has been tapping into the NC scene for a couple years now and are really starting to gel nicely as musicians. Always a fun set!
- Jay Beverly (keyboards lead vocals)
- Casey Cranford ( Saxophone)
- Derek Cobb (Lead Guitar Vocals)
- Randy Elliott ( guitar)
- Scott Nichols ( Bass)
- Ralphael Schiavone ( percussion )
Papadosio is quickly making an impact nationally with their own brand of jamtronica fusion. Their music is highly infectious and danceable, and certainly makes it difficult for me to photograph: I just want to dance! Their touring schedule includes many east coast and midwest major festival dates, so be sure to catch them in a town near you. Really... this is a can't miss show.
Mike Healy | Drums
Rob McConnell | Bass/Vocal
Anthony Thogmartin | Guitar/Vocal/Keys/Programming
Billy Brouse | Keys
Sam Brouse | Keys
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